The day started out weird, my car was
unreg'd in the morning, I forgot my phone which was next to my thermos of good plunger coffee, my
biro had leaked everywhere in my bag, and I was feeling a bit of a loser because I couldn't ftp from home. This was a big sad event as I had spent a few hours trying from several different ftp clients.
Anyways, by the afternoon I had my car legalised, I forgot about my phone, the
biro ink had dried, purchased some better coffee, and had
ftp'd successfully.
At home, before Monday's class, I had tried
Filezilla & Smart FTP Client, (2 others which I only spent a short amount of time on and deleted quickly). On Monday night I used
FileZilla and had a fabulous time enjoying success with a glass of wine.
- The name of your ftp client Filezilla
- The URL you got it from Didn't look at the time....but on second glance:
- any installation woes you encountered Very quick!
- some comments on its ease of use I found FileZilla easier than Core FTP or Smart FTP. FileZilla also proved itself to work so much better from my chair in the Tafe room than Core FTP. Filezilla also had a very basic interface which made it much easier to navigate around at a glance. Onya Zilla ! If you wanted computer jargon about how much mb's or Hz's or Rams ect, I can't tell you. I'm happy it works.
- $ Free for you and me...(Payment requested for business use).
- the platform(s) it works on Windows 2000, XP & Vista/ Linux / Mac OS 10.5 or newer.
- the install file size In properties, it said 1.62kb, but next line it said 4kb on disk. I assume 4kb is closer to the real deal. I looked for the size in the download site, but it didn't have that information where I could find it. Only spent a few minutes tho.
I think the
xhtml'ing is very interesting. I like the progressive challenge of trying to present a better looking layout, but its a real effort to puzzle out the subtle mistakes that can cause such grief with the final look. On the bright side they say that Brain Strain keeps you from the brink of senility for longer.
I think its a case of each week going back over past stuff ('specially with the ten things project) and improving each entry with updated improvements, time permitting. I have read several blurbs about web designing, and have seen quite a few examples, where the web developer was very clever but put so much into the page, that the purpose of the site was totally overshadowed. I wont suffer from that mistake for a few years yet, there is still so too much to learn!
Biggest lesson for Monday:
Don't you ever touch the external hard drive until the computer is turned off cause it makes the teacher go "tut tut tut!" and the computer sad.
Cheers till next week....