Sunday, June 29, 2008

And the penny drops

Ching Ching, the sound of javascript clicking into place is wonderful. (but have you noticed its only small change falling, the more valuable dollar coins are still on the brain-shelf out of reach.)

I am looking forward to next term actually doing real hands on work and developing more presentable skills. Most of this term has been directed into printing reams of paper to read, file and promptly forget.

Happy Winter Holidays

Image: 'The news said the pound is falling again'

Sunday, June 15, 2008

how annoying

Not Happy

I really want to open my own web design company next year with multi-nationals as my first clients, and so I need all the technical methodologies and methodological technics I can get my hands on.

I really really wanted to know about HTML, CSS, JavaScripting hands on stuff. If I was home schooling, right now I would probably be learning how to build my page with tables, and using page frames. So class room teaching is good news. Document subjects are not.

Cheers anyway
Image: 'untitled'