Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Another Day, Another Tag....

3rd Lesson.
I behaved and I listened to directions for the first half of the day, until I thought I could jump ahead and second guess the next few steps......WRONG! by then its really hard to back pedal and catch the gist again. (But I did in the end).
The html'ing is fun and low brain strain, the challenge is finding the omitted closing tag, or missing comma, to make the page work. I am reading ahead a little but not too much as spare time is very scarce.
Lessons are getting easier now that I can navigate around the system. Did you know that I spent the first day fretting because I could not find the "directory" until I realised its just another name for "folder"? I am learning much more about the background programs in windows XP in the last few weeks then I would have reading a book all year.
Are we supposed to comment about all classes? I haven't been to Tuesday yet, but Donna has given me some notes (thanks Donna!), I have not made contact yet with Denise. Wednesday morning is great fun, Photoshop sure beats paintbox! and Steve's class in the afternoon is heavy reading, a lot too legastic for fun, but wading through it anyway.
As this is a blog, and not an English lesson, I will apologise this once only for any made up words or misspelling that you may have encountered so far. If you are offended, continue visiting my blog at your own peril!!!.

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